Wednesday the 26th of March, the Hank Williams Museum will be filming with BBC. We will close from 9-11 am to accommodate them as they work. We apologize for the inconvenience.
It is quite common for the simple site of the convertible to bring tears to the eyes of his fans. Each one of those tears provides a powerful testimony to Hank's greatness.
The Hank Williams Museum is unique, and literally cannot be found elsewhere.
Oakwood Cemetery Annex is located only 1 mile from the Museum in Montgomery.
they would tell of how they were worn with fancy Nudie suits and Stetson cowboy hats. They might even tell you of Hank's troubles and his triumphs.
"You ask me if I mourn his passing. No, I rejoice that he lived every second while he was here - that he left the world a better place for having been here - though briefly. Every day was an experience, every experience was a song, a story,
a picture to be shared with others. Shared - In order that their lives be made richer. Oh! That you and I might do the same. Oh! That we too might leave our footprints in the sands of time. To be remembered for bringing beauty and understanding to the life of another. For what richer blessing, could we pray. From the fields of Alabama, he came just a simple down to earth farm boy who inscribed his name on the tablet of time.
Hank Williams - My Brother, My Friend was his name."
Irene Williams Smith - July 19, 1979
Hank Williams Museum
118 Commerce Street
Montgomery, AL 36104
Phone 334-262-3600
Hours of Operation*
Sunday 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Call for Holiday schedule
$15.00 - AGES 18 & UP
$5.00 - AGES 15 - 17
$3.00 - AGES 5-14
Museum Hours*
Sunday 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Call for Holiday Schedule
$15.00 - AGES 18 & UP
$5.00 - AGES 15 - 17
$3.00 - AGES 5-14
Arty Hill, Baltimore, MD
"Hank Williams's legacy is lovingly preserved and protected by Beth and Jeff Petty [and the Jackson Family] and their wonderful Museum. They appreciate Hank's significance not just as a great songwriter and cultural icon, but as a flash point for creating enduring friendships. The Museum is like a second home to Hank fans - it's a place where strangers quickly become lifelong friends. I've been traveling to the Museum regularly for over ten years to celebrate Hank's music and memory, and the shows I've played there, the fun I've had, and the friendships I've made are as meaningful to me as any in my life. I am blessed to know Beth and Jeff, and proud be a part of the Hank Williams Museum family."
Zachary Welch, Wyandotte, MI
"Spending a day at the Hank Williams Museum is spending a day at a shrine to a legend in Alabama's Capital City. It is full of artifacts, uncommon facts and a lot of clarification on who the man was that changed the course of American music. No matter your walk of life, Hank's music speaks to you, and there is no place on earth to see the world through Hank's eyes than at the Hank Williams Museum."
Joey Allcorn, Columbus, GA
"The Hank Williams Museum has the single largest collection of Hank Williams artifacts in the world, and is very fitting that it is located in his hometown of Montgomery, Alabama where he spent most of his life. From his stage suits and cowboy boots to his 1952 Cadillac convertible, it takes the Hank Williams you've always seen in black and white photos and brings him to life in an experience you'll remember for a very long time. It's as close as anyone today to meeting the man himself."
Woodie & Becky Hill, Maysville, OK
"Even though the Hank Williams Museum opened in February of 1999, I didn’t make my first visit to this musically historic site until September 2011. My Mom was an avid Hank Williams fan and while others heard bed time stories and lullaby’s, I was listening to the music of Hank Williams. As a young boy and even up to now, I could never gain enough information about the man, his life and his music. I learned to play guitar from (3) Hank Williams song books and all of the Hank Williams records my Mom had or would buy for me. I have been singing Hank’s songs ever since. At an early age, Hank’s music taught me about love, hurt, happiness, death and the need for a Savior. Hank was my moral compass and he never led me astray. When my wife and I were married in 1975 our honeymoon was to Montgomery and then on to Nashville just to walk in some of the same places as Hank. Like so many others, I sat at his grave and sang my heart to my musical soul mate. I even sang at an empty Ryman Auditorium in the exact spot Hank sang from so long ago. So, the long overdue journey to the sleepy Southern city which crowds the banks of the Alabama River, Montgomery, almost felt like I was back “home” in Sweet Home Alabama. We got out of our vehicle on Commerce Street near the Hank Williams Museum, I could hear Hank’s voice echo towards the river’s edge. When we opened the door for the first time to the Hank Williams Museum it was if we were transported back to 1951. We were met by Kaw-Liga and then by the museum’s curator Beth Petty. Beth was so kind to Becky and I. She took us throughout the museum describing different Hank Williams pictures, newspaper clippings, clothing and instruments. I must tell you, one of my biggest concerns in coming to the museum was if the people working at the museum. would be knowledgeable of Hank Williams facts and if they take care of the memory of Hank Williams. It didn’t take 30 minutes to know that Beth Petty was the perfect person for her father Cecil Jackson and Hank Williams Jr. to entrust with the Hank Williams legacy. Beth told every story as if it was the first time that she ever told it. Her love and care for Hank Williams, his family, the Drifting Cowboys and their lives, which were chronicled in each room of this beautiful museum, was shown so elegantly with love and compassion. By the time that we made it to Hank’s 1952 Baby Blue Cadillac, I noticed name plates on the boarding fencing protecting this piece of musical history. I enquired and she said that was for folks who had become life-time members of the Hank Williams Museum. I told her that I had been a life-long Hank Williams fan and asked if we, too, could become life-time members. So, it was done! For the past 8 years we have made our way back to the beautiful city of Montgomery to attend the majority of Hank Williams events. The Hank Williams Birthday Bash in September, the New Year’s Celebration commemorating the passing of Country Music first superstar and the Museum’s Anniversary in February each year. We’ve attended several concerts in the Music Hall located just above the Museum and we also have attended the Annual Hank Williams Songwriting Workshop, where Beth & Jeff Petty host some of the top Nashville songwriters as they instruct aspiring songwriters from all over the country. Even now, as I write this note, I long to be in our adopted city of Montgomery, to stroll into the museum and to greet (now) old friends Jeff & Beth Petty and so many others that we have met throughout the years. Like so many of our friends from all over the country, the Museum is the focal point of our affection and it’s the music and spirit of Hank Williams that has drawn us together and welcomed us into the family of Hank Williams. There are times while you are in the Museum, you can feel the presence of Hank Williams. Maybe he is there or maybe not, but just maybe he has made his way down the hill from Oakwood Annex and back into the Museum for just one more song or one more ride in his Baby Blue Cadillac."
All Rights Reserved | The Hank Williams Museum | 118 Commerce Street | Montgomery, AL 36104 | Phone 334-262-3600
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